Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Just a Thought

Hey. So, I don't really know what to think at this point. Mark fucking snapped me, but maybe it was a group snap. But he said in it "Hey what's up?" and I waited a bit, but responded, but then he didn't fucking respond when he saw it. So, I snapped him again saying not to be a butt. And we snapped like 2 more times. And then he stopped. Why do I care? And so when Ashli and I were having dinner, I said "I need a new guy." Cause honestly, right now I'm bored with the ones that I have. And she laughed and was like "But you have two." And technically if I ever wanted to hook up with Justin I could get with him with just a text. So, I kinda have three, but only two that counts. But I don't want to say that I'm tired of Mark and his virgin-ness, and maybe that's what I'm thinking. But I mean, he blew me off last week. This week, when he slept over he was here for like 4 hours and then left... And sure it wasn't his fault. But still. Then he fucking does this today? And then I became desperate and fucking just texted him, and as soon as I did I regretted it. And he hasn't texted back, which makes it worse. But I was wondering if he would want to hang out tonight. But at the same time, it would be me inviting myself to his room, which is kind of awkward if people are there. But he did kind of invite himself over to my room... Like, he didn't, but did. when we made plans for this past Saturday he brought it by saying "I realized that your bed is comfier than mine" or some shit like that...
But I don't know why at this point I want a new guy. I kinda want to hang out with Mark tonight, because I am wanting to do something but my period is here, so, that eliminates anyone else. So, that's like one good thing about Mark, this week he comes in handy, because he doesn't care.
I feel like I want to hang out with Justin soon, he texted me the day that Mark was heading over... And so maybe that should happen soon. But at the same time, over the weekend, I'm normally good with plans... But at the same time, I don't know. I just need someone new!!
And tinder, I don't even care for it anymore. I don't find the entertainment anymore. And also even though I get new matches like every fucking day, no one messages me. If they only knew that I honestly wouldn't be a "nope" to a hook up. But at the same time right now I'm only feeling this way, because of my period.
Tomorrow there is a free STD Testing at our school. So, Ashli, Lindsay and I are going to go there at 10:30 tomorrow morning. And I'm not excited or anything, but I am really happy that we are doing it.
So, Ashli and I are planning on getting ready for our run, then going down so she can eat, and then us going over there to get tested. I mean we are just really being responsible and making sure that we are clean. I mean I'm only on number 5, while Ashli is at 4 and Lindsay's at 3, but the difference between Lindsay and Ashli and I is that Ashli and I didn't just loose our virginity 3 weeks ago; and Lindsay did. The first guy was like a Wednesday and then like the next Monday she slept with a new person! Like what the fuck?? Then the NEXT weekend she found the guy she's fucking now!
Whatever I don't think that we have anything. Well, Ashli actually has Mono... And I think that Lindsay has it too. But I'm clean as a whistle. For now.
SO. The point of this blog, is that I need a new person. But you know how easy that is? Not in any way is this easy. I mean, I could, technically message someone that I know is on campus from tinder and talk to them about hooking up, but I don't even want that... Maybe just going out this weekend with the girls will set me straight. Hopefully. And it should be fun. I'm excited.
And Erik... I really do like Erik... And I guess he is also thinking about moving to downtown Tampa... And I don't know when that will happen, or even if it will happen, but if it does... And we are still talking... Like how perfect would that be??
And last night he wanted me to come over and I couldn't, because of my stupid 10 a.m. class. And I mean, I should probably think of my period for that as well, but there has been a time that we drove over there and didn't do anything but sleep together... And it's not like it's the only thing we do.. We actually talk and everything.. I don't know... I just really like the thought of Erik... Maybe because he's older... I don't know. But he's practically perfect. In my eyes at least... Some minor flaws, but I have just the same. Can't expect someone to be perfect when you aren't, right?
But the WAY he asked me to come over was just perfect, and I just wish so badly I could have gone over there. I was texting him and he asked me what I was up to. And I said that we were throwing this awesome party called "Doing homework" and he should come over.. and he said "We can study anatomy and physiology at my place tonight." And I can still just melt over that pick up line. OH, my freaking god. It was perfect... I wish I could have gone over there... Oh, well...
I don't know. I'm just bored tonight. And I just want to do something...
WOW. I just realized that I honestly have done nothing this past few days that I haven't posted. And still haven't, so yesterday I thought "There's nothing to talk about, nothing has happened." But I just about have a full post on just little shit that has happened, and a lot of things that are just running through my head. Literally. And I just can't get around these things...
I just am too bored to do anything. And I'm tired, but it's too late to try to take a nap. And too early to go to bed... So, I guess I'll watch some netflix... Good night everybody... I hope I can expect your loyal reading this evening as well as a few days ago.

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